Let me start by saying I think pacifiers are great! They offer many great benefits.
Not all babies will take a pacifier and that is okay, you do not need to force one if they do not want it. If you plan on giving your baby a pacifier you should try it sooner rather than later. Many pediatricians may tell you to wait a few weeks to introduce the pacifier until nursing is established. Research suggests that pacifiers are fine for nursing moms and do not cause nipple confusion https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3343725/. Have a conversation with your pediatrician about when to introduce it and do what you feel is best.
Benefits of the pacifier:
Satisfies the need to suck when not hungry
Provides comfort and relaxation
Helps encourage sleep
Reduces risk of SIDS according to the AAP
Tips for trying the pacifier for the first time:
Most of the time if you wait to offer it after 6 weeks they will not take it
Offer it when they are not hungry
Offer it when they are calm
If they spit it out or gag the first time it doesn't mean they don't like it- keep trying
Try different brands until you find one they like
If after trying for several weeks they still don't take it that is okay!
When it becomes a problem:
The pacifier may become a problem if your baby cries out every time it falls when they are sleeping. You can try taking it out after they fall asleep, so they are not depending on it all night. If they are over 5 months, you can teach them how to put it back in themselves. Play the "binky game" during the day by placing a bunch of pacifiers around them and praising them each time they get on in their mouth. You can put 3-4 pacifiers in their crib so they can find one and reinsert it themselves. You DO NOT need to reinsert the pacifier each time it falls out for your child. If it becomes a real area of frustration, you may choose to stop using it all together. Consult your pediatrician on what age is recommended to stop using the pacifier.
As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions doulasandbeyond@gmail.com
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Happy sleeping!